Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 14, 2024

Our updated Privacy Policy explains what information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it. We also explain your rights regarding our use of your personal information, including how to manage your privacy and cookies settings, access the information we have about you, and delete your account, under the relevant laws.

Your Consent

By using ILOVEAITOOLS services, installing and/or running on your mobile device or browser, entering into, connecting to, accessing and/or using the app, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy.

What Information Do We Collect and How We Collect It

Data you give us directly

  • Information you provide by participating in any chats, communities, or social media functions.
  • Information you provide us if you report a problem with our Services or App.
  • Information you provide us by purchasing in-game products in Game Store.

Data we may collect when you use our Services and Website

  • Data about your computer's browser version, operating system, network, and IP address.
  • Log files including anonymous information about visitors such as IP address, search terms, and browser type.

How Do We Use Your Information

  • To provide you the App and associated websites and continuously improve their features.
  • To provide helpdesk and support services.

How Do We Store Your Information

ILOVEAITOOLS stores all information you provided at our secure servers. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing.

How We Share Your Personal Information

In certain cases, we share information with other parties, ensuring it is protected and used within the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We use cookies to improve the quality of ILOVEAITOOLS. These cookies allow us to monitor metrics like the total number of visitors and number of pages viewed, optimizing the experience for our users.

Third-Party Ad Networks and Social Networks

ILOVEAITOOLS expects its partners and advertisers to respect the privacy of our users. However, third-party services may have their own privacy policies that you should review when engaging with their content.

We Protect Children's Information

ILOVEAITOOLS does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 16. If such information is collected, we will take steps to remove it promptly.

Your Rights

  • Access to Information: You have the right to request access to the information we have on you.
  • Correction & Deletion: You can request corrections or deletions of your information at any time.
  • Object to Processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  • Transfer Data: You can request ILOVEAITOOLS to transfer your data to another entity.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us through email at [email protected].